A group of OpenSocial enthusiasts from pune have come together and are planning an event Developer Garage in pune on 20th December 2008. The main aim is to unite all the Social Web Apps Developers from all over the country and just share/code/have fun and maybe inspire a few.
Its an invite only event and only 200-250 people will be invited. So just log on to http://developergarage.in and register yourself to book your sits for the event.
If you are a speaker, please fill speakers registration form. Speakers will be chosen prior the event and the names and topic of the speakers will be known to you in advance.
The venue of the event is yet to be finalized.
we are still looking for sponsors, so that event will be a free affair for participants. If you are willing to the sponsor the event do check the budget requirements.
All the discussions regarding Opensocial Developer Garage will happen at http://groups.google.com/group/developergarage
Please message us or post reply here, if you are interested developergarage@gmail.com.
Snap of first coffee meet –
From Left to Right: Pravin, Vishal, Amit, Shardul, Sandeep, Rohan, Priyank and Amit Karpe
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